We will meet with your spouse and you to answer questions, hear your story, and explain our process. This will start us off with a foundation of knowing you are safe with your team.
Husbands and wives will be paired up with their clinician. You will have 10-12 weeks of coaching prior to any intensives or disclosures.
We will quickly respond to any questions and concerns you may have regarding your progress and or process.
Disclosures are a four hour scheduled time with your clinicians. During this time we will help you remain present and monitor your emotional wellness.
You will have 2 more extended meeting with your team to read letters of impact and amends letters. These meetings will also include education, check-in tools, what to expect moving forward, and discussion around any upcoming events.
We will meet with you for one year and beyond to ensure that following this work you are continuing with trauma work, group support, couples reparative work and rebuilding or additional individual work.